Communities & Navitents
DeeperMatrx™ Collaboration
DeeperEngaged™ Modules are communities transferred from the original Trailblazers account to other DeeperEngaged™ Leaders and Achievers for turnkey download and use. Modules can be used as standalone programs or services or intended to be combined within a larger framework of Navitent processes, behaviors, and workflows.
Campfires, Campsites

Your Org Structure
Your Permissions

Automatic Updates
Extend & Add to Modules

Navitent, Inc. is a Black and veteran-owned corporation. Founded in 2004, Navitent provides social benefit and equity development, delivery, management, and oversight tools embedded in the DeeperIntel™ Intelligence Augmentation Suite. Based on the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, High Reliability and Accountable Care Organization Public/Private Partnership frameworks, we serve powerful features through our HumanChangeSystems™ National Network of Resiliency™. Whatever your vision for social impact is, Navitent is your GPS for Change™.
Mission: Innovate new means of impact through human factor engineering dedicated to evidence-based continuous process improvement of the human condition.